The Gateway -- courtesy of Diana Stanley of Vision Quest Studios.

The Gateway (Created and Copywrite by Diana Stanley)

inside frames?? click here for a frame free environment

I got it for free at


Welcome, come inside. You have found a place of sanctuary. A place free from criticism and judgment. A place where all creatures may meet and enjoy each others company, view points and ideas.

Places to Visit inside the Sanctuary....

Netiquette 101 - What web users should know..Caves that lead to Adoptable Virtual PetsBack to Squeakers home pagePaths and tunnels to programming enlightenmentsLinks to New Age and other General LinksWonders to Delight and Memsmorize Belly DancersCute Dragons, their Families and home life



A little about Squeaker...

WaterFalls of home
Squeaker currently hides in Huntsville Alabama. But she was once from the lands of waterfalls and gorges (Ithaca N.Y.). For all of you who think N.Y. is one big city, guess again.


Squeaker Family Pictures

This is the Sanctuary's Nina Cat.... She is the real creative force behind the sanctuary. When Nina is on the keyboard truly wonderful and marvelous things appear. Click on the Nina Cat to see Squeaker's family pictures.



To Traveller  my ISPOut to Squeaker's real world at

Send comments, compliments, criticisms, witicisms to: (Bonny Postell)

Copyright &COPY 1997 Bonny Postell, Huntsville AL, All Rights Reserved.
Last modified: Feb 2, 1999

A special thanx to Diana Stanley of Vision Quest Studios
for use of her artwork "The Gateway"
I also wish to thank Jim Richardson for the wonderful cave
pictures from the Crystal Cave

Thanx also go out to the following for providing other graphic resources:

Thanx to Downloadable Dragons for the wonderful Winged Cat
visit my dragon's den to see more works from downloadable dragons.
Thanx to Dewa for the Water Fall icon: Go to Dewa
Background by Stormi: go to Stormi's web page